Annual General Meeting 2022 Information

Hello Members,

The St Margaret’s Bay Area Rails to Trails Association has been hard at work this year coordinating maintenance improvements to provide the best trail experience possible for our user groups. The trail has truly been a blessing in our community over the two past years during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We would like to invite you attend the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the St. Margaret’s Bay Area Rails to Trails Association. The AGM will be held in person on Tuesday June 7th from 7-8:30 pm at the Tantallon Library.

If you plan on attending the AGM, please ensure your membership is up to date and send us an email to RSVP no later than June 5th.  

Members who have paid their membership fees since June 2022, are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM.  Membership renewals are $10 (individual or family) and can be made on our website click here.

Please take a few moments to review the following documents:

AGM Agenda

AGM Minutes 2021

Board Chair Report

Operations Report

Financial Report Financial Compilation Agreement

“Happy Trails” and we look forward to seeing many of our members at the AGM!

SMBARTA Board of Directors