Trail Notices & Alerts Articles


Trail Closed
Trail Closed

Trail Closed Due to Weather

The SMBARTA trail will be COMPLETELY CLOSED at the direction of the Province of Nova Scotia – Department of Environment and Climate Change: “As of noon on Friday, September 23, all provincial trails will be closed to both hikers and off-road vehicles until after the storm and they have been assessed for public safety.” Information…

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A Friendly Reminder of Trail Rules and Courtesy

With the arrival of the good weather, we’re seeing more and more people out enjoying the Trail. Please remember the pandemic safety guidelines and respect your fellow trail users. We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable experience. Trail volunteers and Conservation Officers with Environment and Climate Change performed trail patrols over the holiday…

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Trail Maintenance Season

It is trail maintenance season again. Our volunteers will be on the trail periodically doing trail maintenance at various days, times and locations on our trail. Please watch for notices on the trail and be aware that there may be equipment and workers on the trail. We ask that trail users please use the trail…

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A Reminder to Cyclists

With the current COVID restrictions we are seeing increased trail usage. This is a friendly reminder to cyclists to please slow down, sound your bell or horn and ride single file when passing others on the trail. This lets other trail users know you’re passing and allow everyone to social distance. The most important rule…

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SMBARTA Trail Open Sign
SMBARTA Trail Open Sign

Trails Stakeholder Message

The following is a letter from the Nova Scotia Lands and Forests – Parks and Outreach Division March 24, 2020 Trails Stakeholders:Earlier today, the province updated Nova Scotians on recent measures to help curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, including use of parks and trails. Understandably, Nova Scotians want to get out for walks…

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COVID 19 Update to Members and Trail Users

Jump to section:Hygiene recommendations | Volunteer recommendations | Provincial Restrictions | Safety & Responsibility Trail use and the need for trail maintenance is expected to increase with the closure of some recreational and community venues. Trail use remains one of the safest recreational activities during the pandemic and a good way to relieve the stress…

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