Staff at Tantallon Public Library Throw Surprise Retirement Party on Rails to Trails

Story from the Masthead News Volume 32 Issue 7 July 8th 2020

The staff at the Tantallon Public Library did a little walk by retirement party at the overpass at exit 5A on the St. Margaret’s Bay Rails to Trails on June l5th for co-worker Heather Pelton.

Heather holding her Happy Retirement Poster that she was given. Leslie Higgins is in the background, who conspired with Vicki Smith to get Heather to go for a walk (photo by Catherine Higginson)

Heather retired after almost 20 years working at both the Tantallon and Hubbards branches.

Heather and her friend, Leslie, walk the trail almost everyday, so staff organized a surprise party on the trail.“Heather is famous for pulling tricks on staff , especially on April Fools Day, so it was nice to pull off this surprise for her,” says Vicki Smith.